

A hearty WELCOME to all our visitors. May your worship and fellowship with us bring you joy and strength. May Christ dwell with you! You are always welcome to worship with us.

Faith is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This church confesses the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This church confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We proclaim the Gospel, recorded in the Holy Scriptures and confessed in the ecumenical creeds and Lutheran confessional writings, as the power of God to create and sustain the Church for God’s mission in the world. We live in God’s amazing grace.

We are a “liturgical church.” That means we follow a calendar of seasons for our worship that include Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. We honor a number of feast days throughout the year with special services, such as the Baptism of Our Lord, Ash Wednesday, Reformation Sunday, and others. We use the Revised Common Lectionary as a guide for choosing lessons and preparing worship services.

Join us for cookies, coffee and fellowship following worship every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall.

A Nursery for youngsters 3 and under is available at all services.

Holy Communion
All Baptized Christians are always welcome at Holy Communion. We believe Jesus is truly present as host and gift as we share bread and wine. Youth and children, who have been instructed in Communion, may also share in these gifts. Other youth are encouraged to come to the table for a blessing. Please take a piece of bread as the loaf comes to you. Grape Juice is always available for those who need it. Please indicate to Pastor that you prefer grape juice during the distribution.

Our Worship Schedule: Worship – 10:30 am

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What Synod are you apart of?
Faith Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (www.elca.org) and of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana (NTNL) Mission Territory (www.ntnl.org) of the ELCA.

Q: What should I wear to church?
A: Come as you are! While some folks enjoy “dressing up” for Sunday worship, this is not a requirement. “Therefore, do not worry about …what you shall wear …” Jesus, Matthew 6:25

Q: Can my children come to church?
A: Absolutely! Everything we do is planned with children of all ages in mind. If you are more comfortable worshipping with your children under age 3 cared for in a loving Nursery setting, this is available. After 3 or 4, children learn from being present in the service.

Q: Can I come to special events if I’m not a member?
A: You are welcome to try out Faith Lutheran Church at anything we are doing. You should give us a call, check our Facebook page or send an email to check on events listed, just in case we’ve had to alter the time.

Q: Do you do weddings?
A: Yes, our building is available for rental for weddings in most cases, and we have weddings for non-members as well. Pastor Donna will be glad to discuss your needs and how we might serve you.

Q: Where can I park?
A: The parking lot is on the east side of the building in front of the entrance. There are no reserved spaces.

Q: Do I have to give an offering?
A: What offerings you give to God’s work are between you and God. You are welcome to visit and participate in our worship as fully as you like.

Q: Can you use the church for events outside of worship and weddings?
A: Yes, our building is available for rental for parties, meetings and special events! Check out our venue page for more information!!


Meet the Team

  • Donna Wright

    Interim Pastor

  • Tom Sprinkle


  • Sarah Lewis


    Office Secretary